Mealplanning 101 - I love her Secret-Secret Geography Club
Omnomicon - all together now: OM NOM NOM!
Simply Recipes - honest-to-goodness, tried-and-tested cooking
Smitten Kitchen - I love love love Deb's writing style
Use Real Butter - I stand in awe of Jen's photography
Julie's Raw Ambition - spotlights raw foods, very inspiring.
Dutch Girl Cooking - and boy does she!
goodLife {eats} - the name says it all.
Weekend Carnivore - because even a little bit of a good thing goes a loooong way
Very Culinary - I'm addicted to Amy's lists of food-related links
Joy the Baker - My baked goods can only wish they came from Joy's kitchen
101 Cookbooks - because I can related to an (over)abundance of cookbooks
Dinner with Julie - coming up with something blogworthy for an entire year? Supercool
Rasa Malaysia - all the asian inspiration you'll ever need
The Wednesday Chef - for her refreshing honesty and lovely-to-read writing style
Chocolate & Zucchini - the definitive food blog
Kalyn's Kitchen - creator of Weekend Herb Blogging
Blazing Hot Wok - mastermind behind Regional Recipes Round-up
YumYucky - because she makes me laugh. And she's awesome and stuff
A Food Lover's Journey - mouthwatering recipes and photos to go along with them

Cook sister! - the one, the only!
Scrumptious Blog - let me tell you, this lady makes super-sexy food
Homemade Heaven - one of my first foodie followers, and a fellow Capetonian
my-easy-cooking - I love Nina's colourful photographs
Wots For Lunch? - something delicious every day!
Meals on Speed - quick, easy weeknight meals
Giggling Gourmet - written by Jenny Morris, well-known SA caterer
Eating Alphabetically - the go-to blog for honest restaurant reviews (mostly in Cape Town)
Rossouws Restaurants - Another great restaurant review site - this tme country-wide
Rainbow Cooking - traditional South African recipes from expats in New Zealand - this brings back so many memories!
Greedy Gourmet - delicious recipes and snippets about food
Mint Tea & Tagine - deliciously complex flavours from an expat in Morocco
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