Sunday, September 10, 2006

Gnocchi with Ratatouille & Feta

This is such a simple dish but it's really good. If you haven't made it yet... well what are you waiting for?

Gnocchi with Ratatouille & Feta

Serves 4
1 aubergine, cubed
2 tomatoes, chopped
4 babymarrows, thickly sliced
200g mushrooms, sliced
1 onion
salt & pepper
a pinch of sugar
herbs - dried or fresh (basil, thyme, parsley)
feta cheese (black pepper is a nice addition)
olives (optional)
approx 1 1/2 cup potato gnocchi

1. Cook the gnocchi in a pot of boiling, salted water.
2. Meanwhile, start making the ratatouille. Saute the onions, with the garlic and mushrooms, until see-through. Add the egg plant, and stir-fry for about 5 minutes. Add the baby marrows, cook for another 5 minutes, finally adding the tomato. Season well with salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar and herbs.
3. Simmer, with the lid on until everything is soft and the tomato has formed a sauce. Add olives, and serve over gnocchi, with feta cheese sprinkled on top.

TIP: For a quicker version - use a tin of ready-made ratatouille. Heat it up with a teaspoonful of chopped garlic and some herbs and continue as above.

Nutrional info (per serving): Calories 479.7 Total Fat 19.2 g Saturated Fat 4.8 g Polyunsaturated Fat 1.6 g Monounsaturated Fat 10.9 g Cholesterol 16.7 mg Sodium 1,990.5 mg Potassium 846.2 mg Total Carbohydrate 66.7 g Dietary Fiber 5.5 g Sugars 3.4 g Protein 14.2 g


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